;NL Francis Drake ;volgens jaartal ;Sir Francis Drake - 2e vaart rond-de-wereld ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_Zeilschip.gif COMMENT=Bijgewerkt 11 april 2018 \nAlle datums volgens de Juliaanse kalender (OS) ;1567 1e reis ? ;1569 2e reis ? 24.5. =(OS) .e reis Drake, vertr. #1572 jaar geleden ;Note=1572, Engeland, 2 kleine schepen (Pascha & Swan) {d} ;eiland Dominica (voorraad) ;half juli: voor kust Panamá, Isle of Pines (klein onbew. eiland) ;29.7.1572, overval Nombre de Dios ;terugk. Isle if Pines ;overval Cartagena ;San Bernardo islands, nederzetting in de Gulf of Darien ;>nieuwe basis ±50 mijl oost Nombre de Dios ;2e overval Catagena 27.11. =(OS) .e reis Drake, terugk. Cartagena>basis #1572 jaar geleden ;Note=1572 {d} 11.2. =(OS) .e reis Drake, zag 1e keer Grote Oceaan vanaf Panamá #1573 jaar geleden* ;Note=1573 {d} 09.8. =(OS) .e reis Drake, terugkeer Plymouth #1573 jaar geleden ;Note=1573 {d} ;1577-1580 3e reis - rond-de-wereld 15.11. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, 1e vertr. Plymouth #1577 jaar geleden ;Note=1577, reis rond-de-wereld, 5 schepen {d} ;15.11.1577, saile out of the sound of Plimmouth, about 5. of the clocke in the afternoone ;Pelican (later (20.8.1578) renamed the Golden Hind), Marigold, Elizabeth, Swan, Christopher ;1: The Pelican, 120 tons, commanded by Drake; ;the Elizabeth, a new Deptfordbuilt ship of 80 tons, commanded by Winter, with her pinnace, the Benedict; ;the Marigold, of 30 tons; and the Swan, a fly-boat of 50 tons 16.11. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, stop Falmouth Haven, Cornwall #1577 jaar geleden ;Note=1577, door slecht weer {d} ;16.11.1577, forced, with our whole fleet to put in to Falmouth ;>Plymouth 28.11. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, terug in Plymouth #1577 jaar geleden ;Note=1577, reis rond-de-wereld, 5 schepen {d} ;28.11.1577, arriued Plimmouth againe 13.12. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, 2e vertr. Plymouth #1577 jaar geleden ;Note=1577, reis rond-de-wereld, 5 schepen {d} ;13.12.1577, once more put to sea 25.12. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, Cape Cantin #1577 jaar geleden ;Note=1577 {d} ;25.12.1577, Cape Cantine in same day at Mogadore 27.12. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, eiland Mogador #1577 jaar geleden ;Note=1577 {d} ;27.12.1577, brought in our whole fleet (Mogadore) 30.12. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, vertr. Mogador #1577 jaar geleden ;Note=1577 {d} ;31.12.1577, departed towards Cape Blanck ;07.1.1578, fell with cape De Guerre ;13.1.1578, came to Rio Del Oro, iust vnder the Tropick of Cancer ;16.1.1578, cape Blanck at night 17.1. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, aank. Cape Blanco #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {d} 22.1. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, vertr. Cape Blanco #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {d} ;22.1.1578, departed (cape Blanck), directing our course for the Ilands of cape Verde 27.1. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, aank. eiland Mayo #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578, Kaapverdische Eilanden, verovert schip '..' {d} ;27.1.1578, coasted Bonavista ;28.1.1578, came to anchor vnder the Wester part (towards Saint Iago) of the Iland Maio ;29.1.1578, landing (Iland Maio) ;30.1.1578, We set sayle (Iland Maio) 30.1. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, vertr. eiland Mayo #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {d} ;30.1.1578, Portuguese pilot Nunho da Silva was captured ;added a sixth ship, Mary (formerly Santa Maria), a Portuguese merchant ship that had been captured off the coast of Africa near the Cape Verde Islands 31.1. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, voorbij eilanden Santiago, Ilha do Fogo, Ilha Brava #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {n} ;31.1.1578, passed by the Iland of Saint Iago, ten leagues West of Maio ;02.2.1578, departed thence (Ilands of cape Verde), directing our course towards the straights, so to passe into the South sea ;17.2.1578, passing the line equinoctiall 05.4. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, kust Brazilië #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {d} ;05.4.1578, fell with the coast of Brasill 07.4. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, storm #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578, verlies 'Christopher' (Canter), >16.4.1578 {d} ;11.4. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, aank. Cape of Joy #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578, terugvinden 'Canter' >>14.4.1578 ;14.4.1578, passed by cape Saint Mary 14.4. =3e reis Drake, aank. Cape Joy #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=terugvinden 'Christopher' (Canter) (16.4.1578) {d} ;14.4.1578, came to anchor in a bay, vnder another cape which our Generall afterwards called cape Ioy; remoued some twelue leagues farther vp into another, where we found a long rocke, or rather Iland of rocks vnder them we anchored ;27.4.1578, Haling there fore to seaward againe ;20.4.1578, waighed againe and sayled yet further vp into the riuer 27.4. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, zoekt beschutte havenplaats #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578, 'Swan' uit zicht ;27.4.1578, comming forth to sea againe ;12.5.1578, sight of land; forced to come to anchor; Generall named the place cape Hope ;13.5.1578, boat rowed into the bay ;14.5.1578, generall determined to goe ashore ;15.5.1578, departure, course South and by VVest ;17.5.1578, anchored (Seale bay) ;18.5.1578, came further into the same bay, where we cast anchor (Seale bay) 18.5. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, op zoek naar 'Swan' #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {d} 19.5. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, terugvinden 'Swan' #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {d} ;19.6.1578, toward night sayled within a few leagues of port Saint Iulian ;20.6.1578, entred Port Saint Iulian ;alle schepen in veilige haven, opgeven & verbranden Swan ;03.6.1578, set saile (Seale bay) ;12.6.1578, fell with a little bay ;14.6.1578, waighed againe, and kept on our course Southward (>17.6.1578) ;17.6.1578, cast anchor in another bay ;18.6.1578, in the morning putting to sea 19.6. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, hereniging met 'Mary' #1578 jaar geleden* ;Note=1578 {d} ;?19.6. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, opgave 'Christopher' #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578, ter hoogte Kaap de Goede Hoop 20.6. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, aank. Port St. Julian #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {d} 22.6. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, aan land #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578, Port St. Julian {d} ;22.6.1578, rowed further in with a boate 17.8. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, vertr. Port St. Julian #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578, 3 schepen (Pelican, Marigold, Elisabeth) {d} ;17.8.1578, departed out of this port (Port St. Julian) 20.8. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, bereikt ‘Cabo Virgenes’ #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578, hierna begint Straat van Magellan {d} ;20.8.1578, fel with the cape, called by the Spaniards Capo virgin Maria ;20.8.1578, changed the name of the shippe, which himselfe went in, from the Pellican to be called the golden Hinde 21.8. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, binnenvaren Straat van Magellan #1578 jaar geleden, 'Pelican' off. hernoemt tot 'Golden Hind' ;Note=1578 {d} 24.8. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, bevoorrading eiland #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {d} ;24.8.1578, fell with 3. Ilands, landed; taking possession thereof in her Maiesties name, called the same Elizabeth Island, other two Bartholomew & Saint Georges 06.9. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, aank. Stille Oceaan #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578, cape or head shore {d} ;06.9.1578, left asterne vs all these troublesome Ilands, and were entred into the South sea 07.9. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, storm #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {d} ;07.9.1578>28.10.1578, storme, tempest 15.9. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, maansverduistering #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {d} 30.9. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, 'Marigold' vergaat met man & muis #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {d} ;30.9.1578, in the night, caused the sorrowfull separation of the Marigold from vs 03.10. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, aank. 3 eilanden #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 ;Note=1578 {d} 08.10. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, 'Elisabeth' uit zicht #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578, 'Elisabeth' keert terug naar huis {d} ;08.10.1578, Elizabeth recouering the mouth of the straits againe, arriued in England Iune 2. the yeare following 24.10. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, op meest zuidelijke punt reis #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578, voor anker op Henderson Island {d} ;28.10.1578, vttermost part of these Ilands ;30.10.1578, set saile, course right North west 25.11. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, aank. eiland La Mocha, Chili #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {d} ;25.11.1578, ranne off againe with an Iland, which lay in sight, named of the Spaniards Mucho, comming to anchor 26.11. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, vertrek eiland La Mocha, Chili #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {d} ;26.11.1578, repaired to the shoare againe 30.11. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, voor anker Philips Bay, Chili #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {d} ;30.11.1578, falling with a bay, called Philips Bay, came to anchor 04.12. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, vertrek Philips Bay, Chili #1578 jaar geleden ;Note=1578 {d} ;04.12.1578, departed (Philips Bay) 05.12. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, overvalt Valparaiso #1578 jaar geleden* ;Note=1578, verovert Spaans schip {d} ;05.12.1578, came to anchor in the desired harbor, this harbor the Spaniards call valperizo and the towne adioyning Saint Iames of Chinli 08.12. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, vertrek Valparaiso #1578 jaar geleden* ;Note=1578 {d} ;08.12.1578, set saile 19.12. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, even voor anker monding Coquibo #1578 jaar geleden* ;Note=1578 {d} ;19.12.1578, entred a bay, not farre to the Southward of the towne of Cyppo 20.12. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, voor anker baai #1578 jaar geleden* ;Note=1578, >19.1.1579 {b} ;20.12.1578, fell with a more conuenient harbour, in a bay somewhat to the Northward of the forenamed Cyppo, spent some time in trimming of our ship, and building of our pinnace (>19.1.1579) ;Coquimbo ;Tarapaca 19.1. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, vertrek baai #1579 jaar geleden* ;Note=1579 {b} ;19.1.1579, set sayle ;?16.1.1579, cast anchor Mormorena 07.2. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, aankomst Arica #1579 jaar geleden ;Note=1579 {d} ;07.2.1579, arriued towne of Arica ;09.2.1579, Chowley ;12.2. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, overvalt Lima #1579 jaar geleden ?15.2. ;Note=1579 ;Arica 15.2. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, bereikt Callao, haven van Lima #1579 jaar geleden ;Note=1579 {d} ;15.2.1579, arriued Lima, entred and anchored all night in the Calao 16.2. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, vertr. Lima #1579 jaar geleden* ;Note=1579 {d} ;16.2.1579, set sayle (Lima) ;20.2.1579, port of Paita ;24.2.1579, port Saint Hellen and the riuer and port of Guiaquill ;28.2.1579, past the line 01.3. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, overvalt schip 'Cacafuego' #1579 jaar geleden ;Note=1579, verovert goud & zilver {d} ;01.3.1579, fell with cape Francisco, about midday, we descried a sayle a head of vs ;07.3.1579, From this cape before (cape Francisco) we set onward 16.3. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, aank. eiland Canno #1579 jaar geleden ;Note=1579, Isla del Caño {d} ;16.3.1579, Iland of Caines ((presently named Drake's Bay)) ;herstelling eiland Canno, voor Zuid-Mexico ;24.3.1579, parted (Iland of Caines) ;overval Guatulco (verdwenen) ;15.4.1579, Guatulco 16.4. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, vertr. Guatulco, Guatemala >Noord #1579 jaar geleden ;Note=1579 {d} ;16.4.1579, departed (Guatulco) 03.6. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, 1e zicht noorwest kust Amerika #1579 jaar geleden ;Note=1579 {d} 05.6. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, 43g noord #1579 jaar geleden ;Note=1579, bemanning krijgt het koud, voor anker in een baai {d} ;05.6.1579, forced by contrary windes, to run in with the shoare, cast anchor in a bad bay 17.6. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, aank. haven 'Nova Albion' #1579 jaar geleden ;Note=1579, 38g10' noord, herstelling (5 weken), nu Californië ;17.6.1579, came to anchor in a conuenient and fit harborough (>23.7.1579) 26.6. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, ontm. plaatsel. Koning #1579 jaar geleden ;Note=1579, leert 'tabah' (Tabac) kennen {d} 23.7. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, vertr. haven 'Nova Albion' #1579 jaar geleden ;Note=1579 {d} ;23.7.1579, departure 24.7. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, aank. eiland Saint Iames #1579 jaar geleden ;Note=1579, Farallon eilanden, jacht op vogels & zeehonden {d} ;24.7.1579, arrival Ilands of Saint Iames 25.7. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, vertr. eiland Saint Iames #1579 jaar geleden ;Note=1579 {d} ;25.7.1579, departed Ilands of Saint Iames 26.7. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, vertr. overt. Stille Oceaan #1579 jaar geleden (68d) ;Note=1579 {d} ;Caroline Island chain ;Indonesië? ;30.9.1579, fell in kenne of certaine Ilands ;02.10. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, aank. ... (berekende datum) ;03.10.1579>16.10.1579, continued our course without sight of land ;16.10.1579, fell with foure Ilands, coasted them >21.10.1579 ;21.10.1579, anchored and watered vpon the biggest of them called Mindanao ;Mindanao, Filipijnen ;25.10.1579, passed by the Iland named Talao ;30.10.1579, Teda, Saeln, Saran (three Ilands so named to vs by an Indian) ;01.11.1579, past the Ile Suaro ;03.11.1579, came in sight of the Ilands of the Moluccaes as we desired ;Moluccas, Filipijnen ;04.11.1579, rode at anchor in the harbour at Terenate ;aank. Ternate ;09.11.1579, set sayle (Terenate) ;14.11.1579, arriued at a little Iland (to the Southward of Celébe), anchored, trimd our ship ;Crab Island herstelling schip 12.12. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, vertr. Ternate #1579 jaar geleden ;Note=1579 {d} ;12.12.1579, put to sea ;16.12.1579, sight of the Iland Celebes or Silébis 09.1. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, 'Golden Hind' op koraalrif #1580 jaar geleden ;Note=1580, voor kust Celebes {d} ;12.1.1580, being not able to beare our sayles by reason of the tempest, fall our anchors vpon a shoale ;14.1.1580, gotten a little farther South, where at an Iland we againe cast anchor ;20.1.1580, forced to runne with a small Iland ;26.1.1580, winde tooke vs, very strong against vs, West and West Southwest, so as that wee could beare no more saile, till the end of that moneth was full expired ;01.2.1580, saw very high land, we could finde no harbour ;06.2.1580, saw fiue Ilands, one of them towards the East, and foure towards the West of vs, one bigger then another, at the biggest of which we cast anchor ;08.2.1580, conducting vs to their towne not farre off, named Baratiua ;12.2.1580, espied a greene Iland to the Southward; not long after, two other Ilands on the same side, and a great one more towards the North, we past by them ;14.2.1580, saw some other reasonable bigge Ilands ;16.2.1580, past betweene foure or fiue bigge Ilands ;18.2.1580>19.2.1580, cast anchor vnder a little Iland ;22.2.1580, lost sight of three Ilands on our starboard side, past on to the Westward ;09.3.1580, in the morning wee espied land, we anchored that night ;10.3.1580, weighed againe, and bearing farther North ;11.3.1580, first tooke in water, and after sent our boate againe to shoare, this Iland we found to be the Iland Iaua ;Tjilatjap, Java 26.3. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, vertr. Java #1580 jaar geleden ;Note=1580 ;26.3.1580, tooke our leaues and departed (Iland Iaua), set our course West South West, directly towards the cape of good hope, or Bon Esperance >21.5.1580 21.5. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, Afrika in zicht #1580 jaar geleden ;Note=1580 {d} ;21.5.1580, espied land (to with a part of the maine of Africa) ;>15.6.1580, coasted along ;15.6.1580, past the cape itselfe so neere in sight ;15.7.1580, fell with the land againe ;22.7.1580>24.7.1580, came to Sierra Leona, and spent two dayes for watering in the mouth of Tagoine ;15.8.1580, found our selues vnder the Tropick of Cancer ;22.9.1580, in the height of the Canaries 26.9. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, terugk. #1580 jaar geleden ;Note=1580, Plymouth, GB, na reis rond-de-wereld {d} ;26.9.1580, arriued at Plimoth (which was Monday in the iust and ordinary reckoning of those that had stayed at home in one place or countrie, but in our cōputation was the Lords day or Sonday) 04.4. =(OS) 3e reis Drake, tot ridder geslagen op zijn schip #1581 jaar geleden* ;Note=1581, Koningin Elisabeth I {d} ;1586 grote overval Cartagena 28.1. =(OS) .e reis Drake, overl. voor kust Panamá #1596 jaar geleden* ;Note=1596, begr. op zee in loden kist voor kust Nombre de Dios {d} ;Deze lijst werd samengesteld door: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;Info over de afkortingen {d} {m} {e} {y} ... op http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisNL.htm ;http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1580Pretty-drake.html ;http://www.sirfrancisdrakehistory.net/ ;http://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/eebo/A20784.0001.001/1:4?rgn=div1;view=fulltext ;http://withleeinvirginia.com/media-kit/downloads/EchoesOfTheDragonsDrum.pdf ;http://www.spirasolaris.ca/sbb9we.pdf *** ;http://drake.mcn.org/fara.htm ;http://www.gammathetaupsilon.org/the-geographical-bulletin/1970s/volume17/article1.pdf